Monday, June 25, 2012

Presumpscot River with MOACERS

Sunday, 80 degrees and bright blue skies – a perfect day for a paddle up the Presumpscot River.
We joined a MOAC (Maine Outdoor Adventure Club) group, put our kayaks in at Shaw Park in Gorham, and paddled upstream until we came to the Pleasant River. There we stopped for a brief cookie break (home-made), resumed our journey for a about a half mile, until the current outmatched our desire to paddle harder.  We did an about-face and rode the current back downstream paddling with little effort.  On the riverbank, two Canadian geese, a mama and papa, watched us closely, ready to protect their three downy goslings, should we pose a threat.

Back on the Presumpscot River, we paddled against the current once more, delighted by the site of Babb’s Covered Bridge that connects the towns of Gorham and Windham. Kids made a big splash as they hurled themselves into the river on the ends of rope swings. Some were dropping from the underside of the bridge, and some, less daring, were swimming from a beach on the side of the river.

Beyond the bridge we took a short break and stretch, borrowing someone’s picnic table, and enjoying the feel of the cool water on our feet. Slipping in and out of the kayak can be tricky, especially when there is a current. I came close to taking a spill, but two quick MOACERS steadied my boat in the nick of time.

The quiet railroad bridge we passed under on our way up the river was now lined with teenagers, eager for a thrill and attention, jumping 30 – 40 feet into the river, before our eyes. They were eager to entertain this unexpected audience of eight boats and 9 paddlers.

We would have liked to join this great group of MOACERS for ice-cream after loading the gear in the car and our kayaks on the racks, but it we had a commitment and had to hustle on our way. We thanked our leader for organizing the trip and for picking such a lovely day and spot to paddle.

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