Monday, June 11, 2012

Macworth Island, The Brothers, and Falmouth Coastline

We’re at the public boat launch at East End Beach in Portland. The parking lot is full on this Sunday morning, and people are moving around at a measured pace in the warm sunshine. There is a slight hint of a breeze blowing over the water.

We glide into the Bay and head to Macworth Island in Falmouth, and as we cross the mouth of the Presumscot River, we can feel the incoming tide pulling at out boats like a toddler nagging his mother for attention. We paddle a bit harder until we clear the area and feel the water smooth out. We plan to head northeast along the coastline as we do not want to wear wet suits. The water is still quite cold in Casco Bay. We enjoy the expanse of exquisite properties along Falmouth Foreside -- “Where the ‘1 percenters’ live,” says Greg.

We stop at the sandbar between the Brothers, two small islands, and have our lunch – lentil salad and some fresh cherries. We meet and talk with the owners of a small summer cottage on one of the islands and I wish I had time to get to know them better. They are out and about enjoying the warmth & sunshine -- the woman is looking for sea glass to make into art.

Then we slip back into the kayaks, and can see the sandy bottom in the shallow water around the island. As we make our way toward the mainland in Falmouth, we find little coves we didn’t know existed and see gorgeous homes we are happy we don’t have to keep up. A gazebo sits on a small point of rocks, and  I wonder what it would be like to sit there and have my morning coffee.

Handy Boat Yard in Falmouth is close by -- a flotilla of several hundred boats sits a hundred yards away. We turn around and head back pas the Brothers to Macworth, where we find a beach and have a snack of granola bars.

The wind has picked up from the east, blowing 10 to 12 knots, as it does most afternoons, and today it brings the tide with it. I put my spray skirt on before we head back to East End Beach. We paddle hard against the wind, the tide, and the wakes of several motor boats for about 35 minutes. Some of the swells are fun to ride, but I am looking forward to a hot shower and supper. I tell Greg to make sure I have dinner ready before I have a glass of wine. 

I heat up a Maine Warmer to help relax my sore, tired muscles and hop into bed before the sun goes down.

June 10, 2012

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