Thursday, May 17, 2012

Runaround Pond

2nd Day of Kayaking in Maine, May 17, 2012 -- Runaround Pond

We put in off Runaround Rd. (about 1.5 miles from Rte. 9 in Durham, ME) at the public access where a sandy shore made carrying in easy. A Portable Potty at the  put-in helped to make the trip more comfortable. The water temperature was surprisingly warm -- easy to stand in for several minutes while loading and unloading.

The spring landscape was painted as an impressionist's canvas with dots of greens, pinks, grays, blues -- more colors than one can find in tubes of oils. The sky settled the eye with its calm blue background as it's reflection danced on the windy surface of the water.

We saw only one house in the distance. What a nice surprise to paddle on water where the shoreline is not wall-to-wall camps.

We spotted a myriad of active birds, ducks and a few turtles as we paddled quietly up the left branch, then turned around and found the right branch of the pond. It was a perfect paddle for a windy day. Like every day we kayak, I am tired and ready for my Maine Warmer by 8 PM.

Left photo: lunch break on the left branch

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